
  • IBM: How Much Longer Do the Good Times Last?

        by  mcdlttx  I have not written about IBM for a while (or really anything ;-), but one of my recurring themes is IBM’s wholesale transition from what was once the world’s premier technology company (admittedly this was decades ago, but their relative and inflation-adjusted historical dominance is clear) into a financial engineering company.…

  • The Rise of the Machines – A Reading List

    A recurring theme from this summer’s reading: The Fear Index – Robert HarrisHarris is best known for relatively highbrow historical thrillers spanning ancient Rome to the Second World War but has been inhabiting the present of late. Here he delivers a taut thriller where a quant hedge fund’s black box moves beyond trading the markets…

  • Strategic Sprawl, We Do It All

    Strategic Sprawl, We Do It All

    HP’s new CEO has unveiled his strategy for the company.  The debut was accompanied by an epic press release.  Some of my favorite parts: “Connected World” – hopefully Paul Allen won’t call from the 1990s and ask for his strategy back. “…its vision to provide seamless, secure, context-aware experiences for the connected world” – it…

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